Christian Carnival 181
The carnival has been posted at Mere Orthodoxy, and I have an entry there. Check it out!
The carnival has been posted at Mere Orthodoxy, and I have an entry there. Check it out!
I love to read. As a publisher, I spend a lot of time reading ‘for work’. I also read and study for my spiritual health. That is import but just like a professional athlete likes to play a sport ‘for fun’ so I need to read ‘for fun’ too. I am looking for Christian fiction….
J. Lee Grady’s newsletter this month, Why Bishop Eddie Long Should Be Transparent, convicted me of my own need for accountability in order to be spiritually healthy. It is a no-brainer to say that accountability among the ordained is, at best lax, and more often non-existent. As Mr. Grady points out there is a trade-off…
But the eleven disciples went into Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had sent them. When they saw him, they bowed down to [worshiped] him, but some doubted. Jesus came to them and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go and make disciples of all…
Book reviews of From Sorrows to Sapphires by Angela Williams and Terrible Things Happened to Me by Tom Scales The Church was designed by Jesus Christ to be a hospital for the ill and dying. Some people come and need support groups and rehab; others need intensive care treatment. Jesus is in the “miracle business”….
I am a fan of the Olympics. Winter or Summer, Special or Para, for me the Olympics are a snapshot for the best in humankind. It is a time of coming together participating in a sport that is a passion in the individual’s life. He/She has committed themselves to excellence and worked very hard for…
The carnival has been posted at Mere Orthodoxy, and I have an entry there. Check it out!